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Posts Tagged With ‘ Kassidy Spence ’


Hold Your Tongue Or Set It Free? Book Excerpt from Paranormal Urban Fantasy They All Died Smiling

September 27th, 2019
Look inside They All Died Smiling, available everywhere

Do you ever struggle with your tongue getting ahead of you? Like when you say something and then wonder if maybe you should have kept those words in your head? That’s the challenge of communication. Sometimes, it’s god to be honest. Other times, maybe  not. But how do you know the difference? Main character Kassidy struggles with this in  They All Died Smiling. In this snippet, her childhood friend Russ is really getting under her skin! No, Kass, you were great. But everyone wants to impress people.” “No, they don’t.” I dug my nails into my palms. He was still just as ambitious... Read More

Craft Fair | Flash Fiction

September 5th, 2019
Covers of They All Died Smiling

Here’s a story I wrote for a flash fiction challenge. I took inspiration from Kassidy, main character of my paranormal/urban fantasy novel they All Died Smiling, which is available on Audible audio and in all ebook formats and print. Craft Fair by Ronda Del Boccio I closed the trunk on its load of handmade home decor. “I should dig out the skates.” “Skates? Why?” “So you can tow me behind all these crafts. Or did you leave room for me to ride inside the car?” Aunt Beck grinned at me. “It’s a lot. But there’s still a little space for you.” I scanned the interior. “Are... Read More

Treasures | Flash Fction

August 9th, 2019
Flash fiction image showing lightning

Writing challenges are a fun way to entertain oneself as a writer (and hopefully, the readers!) and to build valuable skills. I enjoy playing the Friday Fictioneers blog challenge. Here’s my story for the prompt from 9 August 2019. If you want to play, please do! The Photo Prompt PHOTO PROMPT © Randy Mazie The Inspiration Visually, honestly, I can’t even tell you what’s in this image. If you don’t know, I’m mostly blind. Images don’t look the same way to me as they do to the normally sighted. Something in the middle made me think of dried herbs, and that... Read More

Paper roses | Flash Fiction Featuring Kassidy Spence from They All Died Smiling

August 1st, 2019
Flash fiction image showing lightning

Here’s a super-short story, 100 words, to be precise. It’s from a fun blog challenge called Friday Fictioneers. The Photo Prompt PHOTO PROMPT © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields for 22 February 2019 The Inspiration When you write a novel, the characters really come to life. They each have habits, hobbies, interests, and so forth. Aunt Beck doesn’t appear in my paranormal/urban fantasy novel They All Died Smiling, but she raised Kassidy, the protagonist, and is mentioned. The Story Paper Roses By Ronda Del Boccio I set the groceries on the counter. Aunt Beck at the craft-covered table.... Read More

Flash Fiction: I Can’t Be Grace

May 28th, 2019
Covers of They All Died Smiling

Hello, and welcome! Thanks for stopping by. This is a work of flash fiction, a 100-word short story inspired by… The Friday Fictioneers Photo Prompt for 27 May 2019 PHOTO PROMPT © J Hardy Carroll The Inspiration I love bringing in characters and situations from, or from the back-story of,  my paranormal romance novel They All Died Smiling. Our hero Kassidy (grown and widowed in the book) struggles with whether or not to use the very spiritual gift that has brought her nothing but heartache and betrayal all her life. This book is available everywhere online and in bookstores and libraries. As... Read More

Santuary Secret | Flash Fiction

April 11th, 2019

Here’s a free story for you, written for Friday Fictioneers 12 April 2019 Friday Fictioneers is a weekly blog challenge in which the host shares a photo writing prompt. You write a 100-word story that touches on the image in some way. It’s not about the specifics of the prompt. It’s about what comes to mind. Please feel encouraged to write your own tale and play along if you wish! Here’s the photo prompt Here’s the inspiration Kassidy Spence, the Reluctant Demon Hunter, goes on what is supposed to be another interview for the paper, but supernatural powers have... Read More

Family Story Night | Flash Fiction

April 9th, 2019
Covers of They All Died Smiling

This is a 100-word story for the Friday Fictioneers weekly blog challenge hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-fields. Photo Prompt I took the photo she used for the challenge. My inspiration: Kassidy Spence, our hero in the paranormal/urban fantasy novel They All Died Smiling, used to entertain herself by writing stories and her family by telling stories. Her Aunt Beck started a weekly tradition of Family Storytelling Night, during which everyone took turns telling a tall or true tale. You won’t get any of that in the book, but thanks to this writing challenge, you get to know Kassidy and Russ,... Read More

Treat Thief | Flash Ficttion

February 4th, 2019
Flash fiction image showing lightning

Welcome! Here’s a little story snack, aka flash fiction for you. The Inspiration I love pulling characters from my books, and this time, I borrowed a situation featuring Kassidy Spence, heroin of the paranormal novel They All Died Smiling. This is from the second book, Hypnotic Deception, from when she is baking like a mad woman to help prepare for the engagement party of her brother (really a cousin but Aunt Beck raised her.)   The Photo Promjpt PHOTO PROMPT © Roger Bultot   The Story “ Treat Thief By Ronda Del Boccio For Friday Fictioneers 3 May 2019 Genre: Mainstream story... Read More

Flash Fiction: Excerpt from They All Died Smiling | Friday Fictioneers 25 January 2019

January 24th, 2019

This is a flash fiction story for the Friday Fictioneers writing challenge that author Rochelle Wisoff-Fields hosts each week. Anyone can play, including you! You get a photo prompt ad write whatever that image calls to your mind. For me, this week’s image made me think of my paranormal/urban fantasy novel They  All Died Smiling, available online, in libraries, and in bookstores everywhere. While researching instances of people who died violently with smiles on their faces, reluctant demon hunter and busybody Kassidy Spence comes across this news story in the Stone County Gazette. (And... Read More

Flash Fiction: When One Door Closes

January 19th, 2019

This is actually a book excerpt from my WIP Hypnotic Deception, sequel to They All Died Smiling, which is available in digital and print everywhere you love to get your books. And yes, I ended it the way I did on purpose. No spoilers! When One Door Closes By Ronda Del Boccio for Friday Fictioneers, 18 January 2019 Word count: 100 Genre: Paranormal/Urban Fantasy PHOTO PROMPT © Dale Rogerson Pen poised in my trembling hand, I read the contract, trying to make sense of the words, of their implication. Is this what I want? They say when one door closes, another opens. Well, Randy’s death shattered... Read More