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Welcome to your free gifts!

Ronda Del Boccio head shotHi, I’m your guide, Ronda Del Boccio. It is truly my honor and my joy to serve you! Now, I know there are a TON of self-styled gurus and experts out there. The only way to know with whom you connect is to “sample” our work for yourself.

If you know me at all, you know my first question is “How may I serve you?” I am who I am all the time, online and off. I give, work, and listen with a generous heart, and I truly care about YOUR success.

These are free goodies for you. Please receive any and all that serve you best.


Feeling Drained by Others? Paranormal Problems?

Learn the art of Psychic Self-Defense!

7 Secrets of Pschic Self-Defense Mini-Course ( (email)

Feeling Disconnected, Unclear, Out of Balance?

Receive My Life’s Work – Inner Guidance on Demand, 100% FREE at this time.

Awaken your Inner GOD right now! (Coming Soon)

Suffer from “Morning Madness” Like Crazy Brain, Overwhelm,  or Muddled Mind?

This gift eliminates this problem in just 10 minutes a day!

Claim your free gift right now!

Read “The Forbidden Chapter” of They All Died Smiling andmore stories!

Even if you own the book, you haven’t read THIS chapter that my publisher would not print.

Claim your fFree storiess now,

Be aware that I have paid products/classes/services, and that I occasionally offer high quality resources via affiliate links that will help you create a B.L.I.S.S.-FULL life.

Covers of They All Died Smiling


Services & Programs


Spiritual Readings

and more