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Archive for the ‘ Cool Tools for Visionaries ’ Category


Smashwords News: Subscribe to Smashwords Alerts for New Release Updates

August 25th, 2016

I got an exciting email from Smashwords today! I’m excited because now YOU can easily know when I put out a new story or book as soon as it happens. Smashwords is a great place to get books, short stories, and more in ANY digital format you prefer, whether that’s for Kindle, Nook, Kobo, Apple, or others. Here’s the email from Smashwords If you have books/stories on Smashwords, you got an email like this personalized for you. Hello Ronda Del Boccio, We are excited to announce Smashwords Alerts, a new feature that notifies Smashwords customers of new releases from their favorite... Read More

Authors, Need A Shortcut? Introducing 101 Tricks & Hacks for Writers

August 24th, 2016

People keep asking me for the tricks I use to get so much done. A literary agent recently asked little ol’ me for advice on how to streamline her social media. An author asked how I get so much done. Another asked, “You are everywhere all the time. Do you sleep?” Thank you all, because you gave me the inspiration to write 101 Tricks and Hacks for Writers. I’m working on the book right now, and I need YOUR help. Please Tell me where you struggle so I can share the trick or hack that will make your life easier. As a Writer, Where do you struggle? Exasperating Editing? Pesky... Read More

Authors: Save Time & Auto-Post to Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter with NEW Social Jukebox

August 23rd, 2016

Authors have a lot to do. Write books. Edit said books. Proofread said books. Get said books off to alpha and beta readers. Seek publishing or set up self publishing…of yeah those books. And let us not forget…MARKET those books… and connect with readers… and do live in person &/or virtual events. WHEW! That’s an exhausting list! Don’t you love to save time and energy? Well DUH! Of COURSE you do! Who doesn’t. I mean…nobody is going to raise their hand and proclaim proudly, “I have NOTHING to do, so please, pile on more STUFF TO DO!” Social... Read More

Why Should Authors Use Tweet Jukebox?

August 22nd, 2016

UPDATE: I originally did this post in spring of 2015. Tweet Jukebox is still a fabulous tool, but it is out of beta and no longer free. It is becoming Social Jukebox. I still use it, and in fact paid for a year in advance. I’ll get to why in a bit. If you haven’t noticed, social media can take up a lot of time! I’m dedicated to making it fun and easy for myself AND for you authors! While interacting on Twitter recently, I came across a great tool called Tweet Jukebox.Before sharing it with you, I wanted to give it a “test drive” to see how I like it. What Does... Read More

Book Review: The Art of Social Media by Guy Kawasaki and Peg Fitzpatrick

July 24th, 2015

Since every author needs social media and since I’m always reading articles and books to keep on top of things, I thought I’d share one of the excellent books about social media. And it won’t overwhelm you with hundreds of services you don’t understand, either. Please take a close look at this book review and grab your copy of… The Art of Social Media by Guy Kawasaki and Peg Fitzpatrick One thing I love about this book is that it won’t overwhelm you. It gets right to the questions you probably have including: How to optimize your profile How to get more... Read More

Cat Helps Me Give an AudioAcrobat Testimonial

June 18th, 2015

One of my favorite cool tools for authors is AudioAcrobat. It’s a fabulous service to record and store audios, videos, and even podcasts. I’ve been a happy customer for years, and I love this service. I use it to make a backup recording of my webinars and workshops, no matter what web conferencing service I am using at the time. So here’s my cat Trippy helping me give a testimonial. I even used AudioAcrobat to record that video. Start your free 30 day trial right now, and be sure to join in the many free classes they offer to help you make the most of AudioAcrobat. Please... Read More

Make Being Lost FUN?

June 11th, 2015

I don’t like being lost. I doubt most people do! But here’s a video I made for my “404 page” which means the page that says you got to a page that doesn’t exist. You’re welcome to use it if you like!  Read More