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Articles Written By Ronda Del Boccio


Waiting: Paranormal Romance Flash Fiction

June 28th, 2019
Flash fiction image showing lightning

With a friend visiting and an intense, though short, trip to California, I’ve been out of the loop for a bit. Now that my life is back to what I laughingly call “normal,” here’s another Friday Fictioneers flash fiction story. If you would like to play, you may! Just follow the link to the 28 June 2019 post, look at the photo prompt, and follow the instructions. Having a writing prompt is a great way to hone writing skill. Having only 100 words teaches you to make every single word count. The Photo PHOTO PROMPT © Ted Strutz The Inspiration What if you meet the soulmate... Read More

Primitive Savages | Flash Fiction

May 30th, 2019
The Peace Seed Cover

Hello and thank  you for stopping by. May I tell you a story? This is flash fiction, a complete tale in 100 words, for Friday Fictioneers blog challenge. If you wanna come play, feel free! Here’s the link for the 31 may 2019 challenge. The Photo Prompt Here’s the picture. A story need only touch on it in some way. PHOTO PROMPT © Susan Eames My Inspiration I saw this picture and thought how so many settlers historically considered the indigenous people to be “primitive.” This still happens today, unfortunately, and not just with settlers/conquerors. The Story Primitive... Read More

Flash Fiction: I Can’t Be Grace

May 28th, 2019
Covers of They All Died Smiling

Hello, and welcome! Thanks for stopping by. This is a work of flash fiction, a 100-word short story inspired by… The Friday Fictioneers Photo Prompt for 27 May 2019 PHOTO PROMPT © J Hardy Carroll The Inspiration I love bringing in characters and situations from, or from the back-story of,  my paranormal romance novel They All Died Smiling. Our hero Kassidy (grown and widowed in the book) struggles with whether or not to use the very spiritual gift that has brought her nothing but heartache and betrayal all her life. This book is available everywhere online and in bookstores and libraries. As... Read More

stay in Your Lane | Flash Memoir

May 15th, 2019

Welcome, and th anks for stopping by! I call this story a “flash memoir” because it’s not flash fiction, but it’s flash – VERY short! The Photo Prompt Sometimes I have to call Rochelle, the blog challenge host, and ask… “Can you clue me in about what’s in that picture, please?” This week, no For my visually impaired readers, it’s an indoor swimming pool with he lanes and markers. PHOTO PROMPT © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields The Inspiration I saw the swimming lane photo and thought of how many times I’ve been told, “Stay in your... Read More

Flash Fiction: Freedom on the Rocks: Excerpt from the Forbidden Chapter of They All Died Smiling by Ronda Del Boccio

May 10th, 2019
Picture of 3 birds reading books

Welcome, and thank you for visiting! This is a flash fiction story for Friday Fictioneers, a weekly writing challenge based on a photo writing prompt. Wanna play? You’re most welcome to join in the fun! Get the prompt and participation instructions here. The Photo Writing Prompt PHOTO PROMPT © Jean L. Hays The Inspiration: The photo reminded me of a scene from the prologue of They All Died Smiling My publisher wouldn’t print it, so the only way to read it is either the redacted version of this scene here (to accommodate the 100-word limit) or by subscribing to receive free stories.... Read More

Learning to Trust Your Inner Guidance Can Be Hard: Book Excerpt from Inner Guidance on Demand

May 10th, 2019
Ronda Del Boccio head shot

If you desire to know your inner truth and follow the still, silent voice of GOD within, you will want to read Inner Guidance on Demand. It will offer stories, teachings, meditations, simple actions, and mystical tales to inspire, open, and gide you. Here is “Into the Bubble,” one of the mystical tales from the book. Book Excerpt: “Into the Bubble” from Inner Guidance on Demand NOTE: To read the author insights and the story, simply click the large < left arrow buttons by each section.   Read FREE Stories, including the “Forbidden Chapter” of my current... Read More

May 5th, 2019

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Whispers from the Universe: Your Past Does Not Define You

April 30th, 2019
Whispers from the universe: Your past does not define you. Only you choose your destiny.

Did you ever get awakened in the middle of the night for a Divine Appointment? That’s what happened to me today. I outlined two books (reading journals), started an expanded journal edition of The Peace Seed, and fot the nudge to start sharing whispers from the universe. NONE of it is about me. It’s all about serving YOU better and giving you tools and resources to bless your life. Does the past hold you captive? I know a woman whom I’ll call Avis. She’s been through some hard stuff, and every time she talks to people, she tells them all about how awful it was that bad stuff... Read More

Dolphin Ally | Flash Fiction

April 25th, 2019
Flash fiction image showing lightning

Welcome to another one of my Magical Stories. The photo writing prompt for Friday Fictioneers 25 April 2019 inspired this one. This flash fiction story is 100 words. If you want to come play, please feel free to join us! The Photo Inspiration This is an excerpt from a mystical tale about a young Dolphin Ally concerned with the human he is destined to guide. It’s from my story  “Into the Bubble.” The Photo Prompt PHOTO PROMPT © Sandra Crook The Story: Dolphin Ally by Ronda Del Boccio Genre: Mystical/Metaphysical Word count: 100 “I can’t reach my ward.” Sunny pokes my... Read More

Trust Your Heart

April 24th, 2019

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