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Posts Tagged With ‘ paranormal novel ’


Family Story Night | Flash Fiction

April 9th, 2019
Covers of They All Died Smiling

This is a 100-word story for the Friday Fictioneers weekly blog challenge hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-fields. Photo Prompt I took the photo she used for the challenge. My inspiration: Kassidy Spence, our hero in the paranormal/urban fantasy novel They All Died Smiling, used to entertain herself by writing stories and her family by telling stories. Her Aunt Beck started a weekly tradition of Family Storytelling Night, during which everyone took turns telling a tall or true tale. You won’t get any of that in the book, but thanks to this writing challenge, you get to know Kassidy and Russ,... Read More

NEW! Introducing the: Paranormal Ponderings Category for My Thoughts on Paranormal TV Shows, Podcasts, Experiences, and More

January 28th, 2019

Okay,  y’all, since I’m fully stepping into the paranormal space and bringing out all my weird self as a psychic medium, psychic knower, seer of multi-dimensionals, animal communicator, and etc. … and since I have LOTS of thoughts about the various podcasts, TV shows, books, and the unseen world that I can see just fine… I’ve decided to create a whole new category called Paranormal Ponderings. If you want to follow this category,  you can put the link to it in your RSS reader. You’ll start seeing posts about the various media I’m encountering and... Read More