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Posts Tagged With ‘ paranormal experience ’


Your Demonic Destination Is on the Left | Flash Fiction for Friday Fictioneers 8 March 2019

March 6th, 2019

This week’s flash fiction for Friday Fictioneers comes from my fiction WIP (work in progress) Hypnotic Deception, sequel to They All Died Smiling in hte Reluctant Demon Hunter series. Kassidy is just trying to take a road trip to her Aunt Bobby’s house for a family celebration. This is based on something a GPS actually did to me and my friend a couple summers ago. (It appened maybe a dozen times). Here’s the story… Read More  Read More

LIVE Beyond the Strange Podcast Interview of Psychic Medium Author Ronda Del Bocio

March 3rd, 2019

I am a guest on Beyond The Strange​ podcast LIVE at 7 PM PT/10 PM ET tonight! You can watch/listen live via YouTube (Yeah, I have to get camera ready!) You can even call in during the second half of the show to ask  questions & interact with me & Dave Cruz​. OR listen later via YouTube or your favorite podcast provider like Apple or Stitcher. #PsychicMedium #RondaDelBoccio #beyonders #TheyAllDiedSmiling #RDHseries #ParanormalExperience #ParanormalPodcast  Read More

Psychic Medium Author Ronda Del Boccio Shares Her Paranormal Experience on Beyond the Strange Podcast with Dave Cruz March 3, 2019

February 27th, 2019

What’s life asa psychic medium like? Find out soon… I’m so excited to share with you the next stop on my podcast tour, Beyond the Strange with Dave Cruz. I’ll share whatever Dave and the #beyonders want to know! This will b ea 2 hour show with time for questions from the viewers. There’s a streaming chat there with the episode. Listen LIVE Sunday March 3rd at 8 PM PT/11 ET on his YouTube channel. Cheers to your B.L.I.S.S.-FULL Life!! Ronda Del Boccio Award winning author, photographer and artist About Ronda Del Boccio Ronda Del Boccio is an award-winning and best... Read More

Kindred Spirits S3 E1 at the Oddfellows Home in Liberty, Missouri, No Salvation: Creepers, Thought Forms, and Stuck Spirits

January 30th, 2019

I love Kindred Spirits, now on Travel Channel.Amy Bruni and Adam Berry are not just out to investigate and have experiences. They’re called in to actually HELP, which they do. New episodes air Thursdays at 10 PM ET, ad are available on hte app.   The Episode Season 3, Episode 1 No Salvation Amy Bruni and Adam Berry are called to Liberty, MO, to investigate the Odd Fellows Home, a massive compound that once cared for orphans and the elderly. More than 10,000 people died on the property. Now their pain has fostered a malevolent entity. A Teensy Bit about Me As a psychic knower,... Read More