What’s life asa psychic medium like?

Find out soon…

I’m so excited to share with you the next stop on my podcast tour, Beyond the Strange with Dave Cruz.

I’ll share whatever Dave and the #beyonders want to know! This will b ea 2 hour show with time for questions from the viewers. There’s a streaming chat there with the episode.

Listen LIVE Sunday March 3rd at 8 PM PT/11 ET on his YouTube channel.

Cheers to your B.L.I.S.S.-FULL Life!!

Ronda Del Boccio

Award winning author, photographer and artist

About Ronda Del Boccio

Ronda Del Boccio is an award-winning and best Head shot of Ronda Del Boccioselling author of both fiction and nonfiction. She has been mostly blind since birth, but she never lets that stop her doing what she wants to do. She tells transformational tales and helps visionary authors turn their dreams and imaginings into published books. See and order Ronda’s books on Amazon.

Join Ronda’s readers for free stories, sneak peeks at her next books and more at WriteOnPUrpose.com/read