They All Died Smiling by Ronda Jean Del Boccio Moninated for Reader’s Choice Award: VOTE NOW
January 18th, 2019
They All Died Smiling, my newest paranormal/urban fantasy book, is up for a TCK Publishing Reader’s Choice Award in the fantasy category! Since it’s READER’s choice, hat means YOUR vote counts! So please kindly 1. Go to the voting page. 2. Right-arrow over to the FANTASY category. 3. Scroll down to They All Died Smiling. 4. Click the title. A pop-up box asks you to register your vote, so please do that! Please VOTE for They All Died Smiling now! Go to the VOTING PAGE to Go to the Voting Page VOTE NOW! Thank you for voting!! Cheers to your B.L.I.S.S.-FULL Life!! Ronda... Read More