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Posts Tagged With ‘ paranormal experiences ’


Waiting: Paranormal Romance Flash Fiction

June 28th, 2019
Flash fiction image showing lightning

With a friend visiting and an intense, though short, trip to California, I’ve been out of the loop for a bit. Now that my life is back to what I laughingly call “normal,” here’s another Friday Fictioneers flash fiction story. If you would like to play, you may! Just follow the link to the 28 June 2019 post, look at the photo prompt, and follow the instructions. Having a writing prompt is a great way to hone writing skill. Having only 100 words teaches you to make every single word count. The Photo PHOTO PROMPT © Ted Strutz The Inspiration What if you meet the soulmate... Read More

NEW! Introducing the: Paranormal Ponderings Category for My Thoughts on Paranormal TV Shows, Podcasts, Experiences, and More

January 28th, 2019

Okay,  y’all, since I’m fully stepping into the paranormal space and bringing out all my weird self as a psychic medium, psychic knower, seer of multi-dimensionals, animal communicator, and etc. … and since I have LOTS of thoughts about the various podcasts, TV shows, books, and the unseen world that I can see just fine… I’ve decided to create a whole new category called Paranormal Ponderings. If you want to follow this category,  you can put the link to it in your RSS reader. You’ll start seeing posts about the various media I’m encountering and... Read More