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Author Ronda Del Boccio at No Barriers Summit 2019

Start: June 13, 2019 @ 5:00 pm CDT / Ends: June 15, 2019 @ 10:00 pm CDT

I If you were attending the No Barriers Summit in Tahoe, CA June 13-15 with Erik Weihenmayer  and so many others, I hope to meet you there! The summit is all about stretching imagination and possibilities. I will be taking workshops on photography and doing stand-up comedy. Really looking forward to that! for details, go to NoBarriersUSA.org. I am extremely honored that Erik invited me to attend this event.  Read More

Shields Up! Personal Shielding Workshop at Abitha’s Apothecary in Albuquerque

March 31, 2019 @ 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm CDT

Shields Up! Protect yourself from bad energy, spirit attachments, and psychic infestation Location: Abitha’s Apothecary, 2231 Wyoming Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM, 87112Presenter: Ronda Del Boccio Have you ever felt like someone’s bad energy was stuck on you? Ever brought home an antique or thrift store find , only to have strange paranormal activity? Ever had an entity stalk or follow you? Ever wanted to put up a protective shield around yourself but weren’t sure how? Then this workshop is for you During this workshop, you will discover: How to build and reinforce a personal shield that... Read More