Here’s anoter Flash Fiction tale inspired by a photo prompt, with my thanks.

flash fiction short story graphic showing lighning striking

We Are Heard

By Ronda Del Boccio

For Fandango Flash Fiction Challenge #1

Genre: Mystical

Word count: 185


I play my flute to bring healing and light into the world. Breeze carries my uplifting tune through the forest, then away. I give thanks for the melody that comes to my heart and plays through me. It is not my tune, but Nature’s.

Crow caws a cacophonous cry, adding his voice to the prayer. Other birds join, cardinals and finches melding their melodious notes. Trees rustle with us. And does the brook bubble just a little louder? Or perhaps, more intentionally. I feel her spirit enhance our prayer.

I feel the power of our intent, amplified as more join the Call. The energy spreads and spreads past the forest, towns, cities, lakes, rivers…I send the collective love and gratitude across the oceans, all over the world.

Animals come. I hear their footsteps. Squirrels scamper into the tree beside me. Deer encircle me. A goat from the nearby farm stares. He bleats along with the song.

We raise the energy higher, further, wider, and with a final joyous trill, I complete the melody. Its echoes ring, fading slowly.

“Thank you, Great Divine. We are heard.”

reading birdsgraphic:

Cheers to your B.L.I.S.S.-FULL Life!!

Ronda Del Boccio

Award winning author, photographer and artist

About Ronda Del Boccio

Ronda Del Boccio is an award-winning and best Head shot of Ronda Del Boccioselling author of both fiction and nonfiction. She has been mostly blind since birth, but she never lets that stop her doing what she wants to do. She tells transformational tales and helps visionary authors turn their dreams and imaginings into published books. See and order Ronda’s books on Amazon.

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