Welcome back to another Write On Purpose book review. Each week, I review a well-written book, highlighting what makes it good from the reader’s perspective and what writing skills and techniques make it an irresistible read. Thus, each review serves both writers and readers.

Just Like Gravity is a new paranormal romance by Sorchia DuBois

Here’s the description of the book from Amazon:

How many times can you make the same mistake? How many lifetimes does it take to get it right? And how many people have to die in the process? In Scotland,

Anna searches for answers. She finds cold rain, steep hills… and terror. When she sees the ancient broch, the ruined building triggers a terror she can’t explain. Scenes from her past lives provide glimpses of the web of events linking her to the broch and the man she’s lost countless times before.

Trapped in an eddy of Fate invariably ending in blood, Anna tries to break the chain and protect what she lost before. Her tealeaves and tarot cards lead her, but the weight of the past may be too heavy.

Have  you ever wondered if you have met someone in another life? Or whether perhaps, you had been lovers?  Perhaps your encounter is there to show  you a pattern that maybe this time you can break forever. That is one of the things you’ll explore as you read Just Like Gravity.

Just Like Gravity - paranormal romance by Sorchia Dubois


What else makes this a great read?

The book is a brilliant mixture of wit, intrigue, love, lust, terror, and temper tantrums. You’ll feel the chill of a Highlands winter enough to make you reach for a blanket. You’ll feel the terror of dreams of blood and real world peril. And you might even want a taste of the peaty LaPhroaig Scotch Whiskey to which the book is dedicated.

This is a romance, and so naturally, the two lovers LaPhroaig Scotch Whiskeyfirst hate each other. However, the story quickly goes deeper than the usual love-hate dance you see in typical romances. That’s where the dreams, visions and past life memories enter into the tale.

I have to admit that at first I did some eye rolls over the volatile budding romance. That’s my own bias as one who doesn’t read romances that often. That feeling didn’t last long because I got caught up in all the drama, twists and suspense of the book.

As someone who reads with the eye of both a reader and author, I’d like to highlight for you some aspects of the craft of writing from which you can learn while reading this exciting book.

Conveying character

You’ll all but reach for an umbrella during the opening scene, and with this description, you get personality, mood and weather all in one:

He leaned close to be heard above the rain pattering on my  plastic poncho.  I smelled whiskey on his breath. Rain-plastered dark hair clung to his neck and forehead.  He inspected me with wide-set eyes above a distinctly crooked  nose, his lips pressed together in a thin, disapproving line.”

Setting a mood

DuBois does a magnificent job of conveying the mood of s scene. Here’s an example:

The hissing voice of my nightmares whispered in my ear, rustling like dead leaves.



DuBois conveys dialect very well. You can hear the Scottish brogue  in lines such as this:

Ye cannae catch Scottish, ye ken. It isnae a disease.”

Paranormal elements

This novel  includes precognitive dreams, tarot readings,and other psychic or paranormal powers. I felt Dubois portrayed the paranormal elements in a realistic and dramatic way.

Feeling the Heat

I won’t give an example, but you’ll  have clues early on of the sizzle to follow. This book is definitely steamy, so if you don’t like that sort of thing, you most likely will find this book too hot to handle.

I gave Just Like Gravity a 5-star review on Amazon. I hope you enjoy it.

Get your copy of Just Like Gravity

Order Just Like Gravity by Sorchia DuBois

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Ronda Del Boccio

#1 best selling author and speaker

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Order Just Like Gravity by Sorchia DuBois

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Ronda Del Boccio is an award-winning and best Click for Member Home Pageselling author of both fiction and nonfiction. She tells transformational tales and helps visionary authors turn their dreams and imaginings into published books. See and order Ronda’s books on Amazon.

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Ronda Del Boccio

#1 best selling author, speaker, and Amazon Top Reviewer

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