I live event at Woods and Author signed copies of their book.
Flash fiction is a very short story.
Friday Fictioneers is a weekly blog challenge. Each week, host Rochelle Wisoff-Fields posts a photo writing prompt. Participants write a complete story in 100 words.
The Hero’s Journey is a story common to absolutely ALL of humanity. All people respond to this formula of questing for a solution, undertaking a road of trials, and hopefully finds the answer and returns triumphant.
And check out: Monomyth
AKA (Also known as): Low Vision Hijinx
AKA (Also known as): Magical Stories Podcast
Magical Stories is a podcast of stories by author Ronda Del Boccio. Visit the Podcasts Page for a link to listen on your favorite platform, including Apple Podcasts, TuneIn, RadioPublic, Spreaker, Stitcher, and more.
The monomyth, or “one story” is the single story that unites all of humanity, regardless of race, religion, or walk of life.
The road of trials is the phase of the Hero’s Journey or Monomyth in which the potential hero faces challenge after challenge.
Rochelle Wisoff-Fields is an author and artist.
Ronda Del Boccio is an award-winning and Amazon #1 best-selling author of fiictiob, nonfiction and poetry.