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I call this story a “flash memoir” because it’s not flash fiction, but it’s flash – VERY short!

The Photo Prompt

Sometimes I have to call Rochelle, the blog challenge host, and ask… “Can you clue me in about what’s in that picture, please?” This week, no

For my visually impaired readers, it’s an indoor swimming pool with he lanes and markers.

PHOTO PROMPT © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

The Inspiration

I saw the swimming lane photo and thought of how many times I’ve been told, “Stay in your lane.”

The Story: Stay in Your Lane


Stay in Your Lane

By Ronda Del Boccio

For Friday Fictioneers 17 May 2019

Genre: Memoir

Word count: 100


I’m not one of those people who can focus on doing one thing well. I’m more of a woman of many interests. It’s a blessing…and a curse.

Employers either considered me highly accomplished or unfocused, because I couldn’t just pick one career track and stick with it.

I say it makes me a well-rounded and more interesting person. But what do I know?

Now, as a writer, current book marketing wisdom says, “It’s better if you write one category and stay in your lane. It’s hard to promote books in more than one genre.”

That’s working REAL well for me!

Picture of 3 birds reading books

Cheers to your B.L.I.S.S.-FULL Life!!

Ronda Del Boccio

Award winning author, photographer and artist

About Ronda Del Boccio

Ronda Del Boccio is an award-winning and best Head shot of Ronda Del Boccioselling author of both fiction and nonfiction. She has been mostly blind since birth, but she never lets that stop her doing what she wants to do. She tells transformational tales and helps visionary authors turn their dreams and imaginings into published books. See and order Ronda’s books on Amazon.

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