2/12/18 NOTE: I made a change to this article. I got a nastygram that I was using a copyrighted image. I had pulled it across from The Guardian article…but little ol’ ME is the one who got in trouble. Very interesting. I had no issue with taking the image down, but still. So I made a censorship graphic, which I clearly need to use more often anyway. This article is still just as relevant today in 2018 as it was when I first published it July 11, 2015
Oh, and by the way…. the company who sent the letter expects me to pay $150. Go get it from The Guardian. I’m a blind blogger with a zero budget, and I make my own images.
If I have ever connected with you on the social web and I’ve reviewed your book – grab a screen capture, because Amazon might tear it down any second.
If I have ever reviewed your book on this site, the Amazon review I also do could be pulled down. Why? Simply because I interact with authors whose books I review, whether I know you or not. And the way Amazon is behaving, that means reviews from people like me, including your friends, fans, and anyone who tweets or FB’s you, could be censored by Big Brother Amazon.
Here is a snippet from an article in The Guardian.
Author Jas Ward has launched change.org petition after it emerged that the retail giant is monitoring social networks to screen would-be reviewers
Friends not welcome … the Amazon logo pictured at a press conference. Photograph: Emmanuel Dunand/AFP/Getty Images
If you interact with an author in any way online, beware: Amazon might decide that you’re “friends” and ban you from leaving a review of their latest book. The online retailer appears to have tightened up its review policy to weed out people boosting their mates’ books with glowing notices, but whatever algorithms they’re using to work this out seem also to be catching anyone who engages with their favourite writers on social media. The policy has prompted allegations of “Big Brother” activity and sparked a petition calling on Amazon to reverse the decision, organised by US romance author Jas Ward, which is heading towards 11,000 signatures as of Thursday morning. Ward has penned an open letter to Amazon on the change.org petition site, writing: Read More
This is CENSORSHIP plain and simple.
Social media and email mean that even the loftiest star authors ae no longer out of reach. Most authors have a Facebook author page, a Twitter account, Instagram, and the like.
If you know an author, you may not be able to review their book.
If you tweet your favorite author, you’re out as a reviewer too.
If you read a great book and review it and tag the author in social, watch out!
This is bad for authors and avid readers alike! Reviews are highly valuable and should not be stopped.
Ronda Del Boccio is an award-winning and best selling author of both fiction and nonfiction. She tells transformational tales and helps visionary authors turn their dreams and imaginings into published books. See and order Ronda’s books on Amazon.
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